Sunday, September 8, 2013

P-Day in New Orleans

August 26, 2013

We came down to New Orleans on p-day to be tourists a little bit. It's been a lot of fun. We came down with two other Sisters and six Elders. We went to the French Market; it reminded me of lot of Pike Place Market but Louisiana-style. We ate at a café and had a mufaletta. We also went to a cathedral that was really very beautiful.

This week was crazy busy - two days, we had over ten hours of service. We painted the rail at the community's observatory. It was super hot. I got a nice sunburn, but was just so much fun. We got to do it with our whole zone. I saw Sis. Whitney Nielsen from home. The paint that we used was so sticky and gross that I still have it all over. It really was such a great project.

Yesterday and Saturday we went to a less active member's home and watched 17 Miracles with them as a Family Home Evening. It was really neat! The father of the family is really opening up to us. We hope they'll start coming back to church.

We did service for a less active sister on Wednesday. And, we did a lot of visiting to other less active members. One cool experience I had was with a sister that we have been reading the Book of Mormon with. We were at 1 Nephi 4. We talked about Nephi killing Laban and she said that she feels like it was contradicting the Bible because god commanded, "Though shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13). We talked about the verse that says, "It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief" (1 Nephi 4:13). She said that she feels like God could have softened his heart. We tried to explain it to her, but finally, I realized that I couldn't convince her and that she had to find out for herself. Sis. Seegrist and I bore our testimonies that we knew that it was true. I told her that I couldn't make her believe that it was true and invited her to read for herself and pray to know if it is true. She said she would do it. I know that was inspired because I always just want people to know and accept it, but they have to find out for themselves.

Yesterday, Church was great. We had a good lesson in Sunday School. After Relief Society, a sister that was visiting reached up and tapped us on the shoulder and introduced us to her friend that had come with her. She said that she really wanted to learn more and had a lot of questions that she wants to ask us. So, we'll be meeting with her on Wednesday!

Everything has been really good. Companionship is going really well. We have been able to have a lot of good heart to hearts and work together better. I think that part of it is because I am getting more confident in teaching and bearing my testimony.

How's the missionary work going back there? Have y'all got any investigators or referrals for the missionaries? I'm glad you met the Sharps! They are honestly some of my favorite people in the ward. Sis. Sharp is very willing to help us with the work and introduce us to neighbors.

I love you all millions!

Sister Thornley

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