Sunday, September 29, 2013

Work Progressing and Doors Opening Up

Sep 3, 2013
Don't be mad at me! I know that it's been a while since you heard from me!I promise I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! I'm still down here in Baton Rouge doing my thing!
Last night we had a really neat experience. We were supposed to have dinner with a member family, and we have tried to teach the dad's parents, and it hasn't really worked out. They haven't been very interested and that's come more from the mom/grandma, but the dad/grandpa has been a lot more interested. We have six missionaries serving in our ward, so when we usually have dinner with the members, we all eat at their home. Long story short, the elders couldn't make it to dinner and because they couldn't, the dad decided to invite his parents over to eat with us, and we had a really neat lesson about the Book of Mormon and charity and stuff. It was one of those blessings in disguise. We definitely saw God's hand there! We felt the Spirit, and when we left, I could have jumped up and down I was so excited. They opened up a lot to us, and we saw a side that we hadn't seen before.
This morning we had district meeting, which happens every week. After that, we went to a less-active sister that was baptized at twelve years old and hasn't been back since. But, she wants her kids to be sealed to her in the temple, so she says to her husband when we were there a few weeks ago, "Riley, will you just agree to disagree and get baptized, cuz I really want to go to the temple!" It was funny and sweet because we see that she wants it, but she it still learning about it and about what she can do to get there!
Also, we are currently driving a 2013 Ford Fusion... and living in a club... and we have a touch screen phone. I don't think this is how missionary life should be. We should be scrapping for food living in the ghetto right?! haha. We are really blessed right now! We are seeing the work progress and doors are opening up. My companion and I have our ups and downs but mostly ups. Things are going great!
Yesterday we went and played ultimate frisbee at LSU and went and saw the stadium which is HUGE! Like NFL worthy. We'll have to go to an LSU game eventually.
I'm sorry that my emails have changed from play by play to summary, but I am really working on focusing on the work. I have kinda had a moment like Hermana Robyn Evans because we read the same talk about becoming a consecrated missionary, so I was like, "No more emails or letters home. They can hear about it in 15 months!" But then I changed my mind about two seconds later. haha. I really want to hear from y'all. I've missed getting letters this week waiting to hear about my new address. Oh and dad, my pen died. Need a new one to represent DairyWay. One of the elders really liked the hats that you gave us and said he's going to write you for one. So if you get a letter from an Elder Bailey don't be too weirded out. I'm glad you saw pictures of the service at the observatory! That was some long hot days! I can't even express to you the pain that comes when it's 95 degrees and 75%+ humidity. It just doesn't compare in Utah. At night, nowadays, when our apartment gets down into the 75 degrees range, I think I'm going to die because it's so cold - haha. It's pretty sad.
Oh and this week, I got to drive in Baton Rouge for the first time! (in the Fusion) It was weird to drive again since it's been almost three months, but it felt good. I can't believe that I am almost done with my second transfer. It's going by so fast for me! 
Food for thought - reading in the Bible Dictionary I found this out this morning. Did you know that Adam didn't have blood until after he partook of the fruit and that the whole creation fell because of him? But, because of Christ, we aren't lost. Christ atoned for The Fall and for our individual sins. I know that's true. I know that this Gospel is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and I know that God listens to our prayers and our concerns every day.
Please read your scriptures and pray as a family every day! You don't know how big a difference I have seen it make in people's lives! It's amazing!
I love y'all soooooooooooooo stinkin' much you just don't even know. And mom, will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? ;) haha jk Heard that came out on DVD and thought of you the other day.
Talk to you again soon.
Love Sister Thornley

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