Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blessings through Obedience

So today has been a good day. I went to class and after I got done my mom called me up and said, "Hey, favorite daughter (she didn't really say that but just pretend she did because it's true;)), do you wanna go shopping for your sister's birthday?" and I told her of course because who doesn't love to go birthday shopping for your favorite little sister?!
We traveled to the Cache Valley Mall because there was one specific thing that I knew I needed to get for T (that's my sister's code name). We were able to find it and did a little shopping for my mission, also. After that, my mom asked me where I wanted to go for lunch. Let me explain that there are two places to eat in the mall, a Chinese place that is a little sketchy in my book and Paradise Bakery. Initially I thought Chinese food sounded good  so I walked over and looked at the food under the heat lamps. I quickly changed my mind. So we walked across the food court area to Paradise Bakery. I didn't know that they made things other than cookies so that was a nice surprise. I ordered myself some delicious sounding pannini off of the menu. The lady gave me my receipt to give to the cashier and told me that she would call my name when it was ready. My mom and I walked over to the cashier and my mom told me to choose a cookie. I looked at my options. A chewy double chocolate chip, a yummy looking peanut butter, snicker doodle, etc. etc, and finally a gooey looking chocolate chip cookie. How could I decide?! The peanut butter and the chocolate both seemed perfect and Delicious and scrumptious. I turned to my mom, "Ooh I can't decide, chocolate chip or peanut butter?" I had hoped that she would say something to the effect of, "Oh Abby, you silly, you can have both and throw in one of every other kind, too." Well that backfired and she said, "I don't care, just pick one." So I tried again, "MMMM! It's just such a hard choice, mom. Which one should I choose?" Mom is a lot smarter than me and so she aid, "Well the peanut butter looks really good." So I gave in and decided I would heed to the council of my ever-wise and all-knowing mother and chose the peanut butter. I felt awfully bad and when the lady called my name I grabbed the bag with my sandwich in it. It was a very large bag and I thought, Well gosh heck! how much room does one sandwich need?
I peer inside my over sized bag and what is there?... To my amazement One perfect, delicious, scrumptious looking chocolate chip cookie was sitting inside a little bag on the top of my sandwich. I looked up at my mom and smiled and told her, "I got a chocolate chip coo-ookie. I got a chocolate chip coo-ookie! Whoo!"
I realized then and there the blessings that come from obeying your parents. What a blessing it was to receive two cookies, and thank goodness, two DIFFERENT kinds of cookies. I can only imagine the kind of mayhem that might have erupted if I would have ended up with two of the same cookie.
Thank you, mom!

1 comment:

  1. Abby I love this. I love the heck out of it! :) LOVE LOVE LOVE.. So much love. <3 <3 <3
