Monday, February 25, 2013

Faith and Trials

Have you ever had one of those days that starts out well. You get up, go to a missionary farewell, go back to your singles ward church, and then after that it just seems to go downhill? No? What?! Ok, well I have. Yesterday was that day. I was able to attend a church meeting where one of my good friends gave a talk before he left for his mission to serve the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He gave a fantastic talk about service and after, I was able to talk to a friend that I hadn't talked to in quite a few months. After I went home and got my laundry, I picked up my roommate and we headed back to Logan to attend our singles ward. Etc etc, so.... I end up at my friends apartment just a couple buildings over from my apartment. They are some of my best friends but sometimes when I feel like acting like an emotional girl I let little things that they do bother me. I don't know why I do, but it happens and most of the time I can't control the fact that it hurts me a little bit. Whether its a sarcastic comment, one of them leaving us to hang out with someone else, or any small act that on a normal day would be fine. But yesterday, it was not fine.

Yesterday, in particular it was a mixture of a few things that finally set me off. I could hardly stand myself so I decided to go back to my apartment. What do you do at a time like this? Do you listen to Taylor Swift like some one just ripped your heartout? Do you shut the door and lay on your bed and cry? Maybe one of those would work but I have discovered a better solution. "Hit your knees." Not with your hands but get down on your knees and pray to your Father in Heaven. He knows how to help you no matter what the situation. So I hit my knees and prayed. I prayed that I could be comforted, that I wouldn't worry so much about the little things and that Heavenly Father could help me through my little rough patches. After I got up off my knees I opened up my scriptures.

I knew that I needed some inspiration so I just flipped open to a page. I opened up in the Book Of Mormon to Ether chapter 12. As I looked at the page, yellow and red highlighters that I used many years ago, underlined very single time that the chapter said FAITH. Within that chapter, it said faith over 35 times. Immediately, I knew that Heavenly Father was answering my prayer. Heavenly Father just needs us to have faith in everything we do. We must have Faith in His timing, His power, His mercy, His plans for us and everything else he sees fit. It is amazing that for me that scripture touched me so deeply. I wasn't experiencing a huge life or death situation but Heavenly Father hears every single prayer and knows the desires of our hearts. I know that He can help us in a way that is special to us.

Ether 12:6 "And now I Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

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